The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, Norfolk
Both Fr. Roger and Fr. Brian are Priest Associates of the Shrine. There are two annual Pilgrimages from the Abbey, embedding pilgrims in the spiritual life of the shrine, the peace and quiet of the grounds and the hospitality provided.
The first is organised by Fr. Roger who takes a group for 3 nights. The second is organised by Fr. Brian takes a group via the St John's Guild for the Sight Impaired; which includes members of the Abbey Family Community. Both Pilgrimages are organised for Pilgrim season, where members can participate in the Pilgrim mass, services for healing ministries and procession; in addition to daily services of evening prayer and shrine prayers, low masses, and sprinkling at the holy well.
More Pictures of this years Pilgrimages are to follow.
Ginny 14th October 2023